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The Question
“A kérdés kinyitja a tudatot. A kijelentés irányba helyezi, a felszólitás ösztökéli és a dogma börtönbe zárja.
Az a fajta abszolút értékűnek kikiáltott kijelentés amely vitathatalan és csak úgy értelmezhető ahogy a kibocsájtója mondja, valójában az a gyenge pont. Az az ahol nincs más nézet, nincs más látásmód, nincs más értelmezés, csak az amit a kibocsájtója mondott. Na, ott van a feljlődésnek a teljes gátja!”
Chong An Sunim
“The question opens the mind. The statement gives direction, the command encourages, and the dogma imprisons.
That kind of declaration, proclaimed as absolute and indisputable, interpretable only as its issuer dictates, is actually the weak point. That is where there is no other perspective, no other viewpoint, no other interpretation, only what the issuer has said. That is where the complete barrier to development lies!” Chong An Sunim
- What is the nature of my thoughts and emotions? Are they permanent or transient?
- Can I observe my thoughts and emotions as they arise and pass away without clinging to them?
- Do I identify with my thoughts and emotions? Do they define who I am?
- How does clinging to certain thoughts and emotions cause suffering for myself and others?
- What would it feel like to let go of these attachments and simply observe them?
- What specific fears am I experiencing right now? Can I identify and name them when they appear?
- How do my fears manifest in my body and mind? What sensations do I feel?
- What doubts are holding me back? Are they based on past experiences or assumptions about the future?
- What am I worried about? Are these worries based on reality or hypothetical scenarios?
- What would it look like to accept my fears, doubts, and worries without judgment?
- How can I bring more mindfulness to my daily life and be present in each moment?
- What practices can help me stay grounded and centered when I feel overwhelmed by my thoughts and emotions?
- Who can I talk to or seek support from when I feel overwhelmed by fears, doubts, and worries?